Thursday, 25 September 2014

Tirana Architecture Weeks 2014 Program

The Kosovo Architecture Foundation and the Prishtina Architecture Week are proud to support the Tirana Architecture Weeks 2014.  KAF and its founders are also honoured to be holding a presentation on the 3rd of October at the event.  For the full program of the event please visit the link: TAW Program

We wish TAW best of luck in the upcoming weeks!

Peter Eisenman at Tirana Architecture Weeks 2014

On the 27 of September, 11 am, Peter Eisenman will be holding his lecture at the school of architecture and urban planning "Polis University"!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The Office for Urban Regeneration opened last week in the Municipality of Prishtina

Starting the 1st of September Kosovo's Architecture Foundation opened the Office for Urban Regeneration at the Prishtina Municipality.  With a staff of around 20 individuals, professional architects, urban planners and students the "Office" aim is to help the Municipal Departments of Urban Planing and Infrastructure in many levels.  

The first project the "Office" is undertaking is the physical and esthetic treatment of the Rexhep Luci street, a project that is a continuation of the "Streets of Prishtina" workshop headed by Skye Duncan, Senior Designer with the New York City Planning Department and is heavily influenced by the NY-CPD produced documents "Active Design".  

The first project will produce implementable documents for the analyzed streets and also serve as guidelines for future cases.     

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Kosovo Architecture Guide shortlisted for the AEIF

The Kosovo Architecture Guide smart phone app was shortlisted for the prestigious Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. 

Here's a sneak preview of the app...

Monday, 24 March 2014

Demanio Marittimo 2014 Design Competition

Demanio Marittimo International call for the Design of the Temporary Space is in its 4th edition. Bellow you can find all the details of the competition which is oriented towards the promotion of students of architecture and recent graduates. For more information regarding the competition, previous editions and best projects you can visit Mappelab site where you can also find the "Download" link with all the information you need (areal photo, dwg file and site photo's).  For any inquires please feel free to contact till the 18th of April.  

Prishtina Architecture Week 2013 Lectures

All of the Prishtina Architecture Week 2013 Lectures can be found at the KAF YouTube channel.  The 2014 edition will be held from the 30th of June till the 5th of July and promises to be as interesting as the 2013 was.